Computer aided design (CAD) technology is used to perform precision corrections. This technology replaces manual plaster work while still servicing traditional prescription variables. I gather your biomechanical information through the use of a Biomechanical plate and scan your foot digitally with an SLS 3D scanner or 3D Foam Scanner.

This information is combined in the CAD software to generate a “virtual positive”. Your prescription variables are applied to the “virtual positive” and computer aided manufacture is utilized to produce custom orthotics to your exact design specifications.


Computer aided design (CAD) technology is used to perform precision corrections. This technology replaces manual plaster work while still servicing traditional prescription variables. I gather your biomechanical information through the use of a Biomechanical plate and scan your foot digitally with an SLS 3D scanner or 3D Foam Scanner.

This information is combined in the CAD software to generate a “virtual positive”. Your prescription variables are applied to the “virtual positive” and computer aided manufacture is utilized to produce custom orthotics to your exact design specifications.

Gait analysis offers an opportunity for clinical assessment of the act of walking. Under normal conditions when no dysfunctional factors impact on gait, the act of walking operates at a virtually unconscious level. However, when modifications to normal locomotion are demanded as a result of dysfunctional neuromusculoskeletal or other pathological states (e.g. intermittent claudication or other vascular disease), unconscious and conscious adaptations, often of a carefully considered nature, may be demonstrated.

Most common warts go away without treatment, though it may take a year or two and new ones may develop nearby. Some people choose to have their warts treated by a doctor because home treatment isn’t working and the warts are bothersome, spreading or are a cosmetic concern. The goals of treatment are to destroy the wart, stimulate an immune system response to fight the virus, or both. Treatment may take weeks or months. Getting warts sorted out earlier will result in a less painful removal/ overall experience.

Nail fungus is a common condition that begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection goes deeper, nail fungus may cause your nail to discolour, thicken and crumble at the edge. It can affect several nails. If your condition is mild and not bothering you it is best to monitor it. If your nail fungus is painful, has caused thickened nails or is uncomfortable then it’s best to have it checked out by your local podiatrist

Ingrown toenails occur when the edges or corners of your nails grow into the skin next to the nail. Your big toe is most likely to get an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails occur in both men and women and are more common in people with sweaty feet, such as teenagers. Older people may also be at higher risk because toenails thicken with age. Using your feet extensively during athletic activities can make you especially prone to getting ingrown toenails. Activities in which you repeatedly kick an object or put pressure on your feet for long periods of time can cause toenail damage and increase your risk of ingrown toenails. I will be able to identify an ingrown toenail with a simple examination.

Diabetes is a chronic disorder in which the body does not produce or use insulin effectively. It is not curable for most people, but treatments include medication, lifestyle adjustments, and management of diabetes’ various complications. The main aim of diabetes treatment is to return blood sugar to a safe threshold and reduce the risk of complications while helping a person with diabetes to resume daily function. I tell my patients that it is not their doctor or other healthcare professional that has to look after their diabetes on a day to day basis. It is the patient themselves who must manage and cope with their condition daily. Decisions are taken every day by patients with diabetes that can significantly affect their health and well-being.